Burn Victims Legal Support Project

Recovering from a burn is one of the most difficult battles anyone can face.  Once the initial pain eases, the fight to put your personal and financial life back together is just beginning.

You are not alone. It’s a road many people have walked before you.  The Burn Victims Legal Support Project will work with those who have suffered burns to make sure that they are able to live a life free from worry about future medical bills and lost wages.

We encourage you to watch Jerome Miller’s story above and find out how the attorneys of the Burn Victims Legal Support Project can help.

We urge you to move quickly.  Before insurance companies, employers, or those at fault, reach out to their lawyers, you should speak with a knowledgeable attorney who can help you with the complicated issues associated with a burn injury.  Call the Burn Victims Legal Support Project for a free consultation at (256) 543-0499 today.

Get your free consultation today.

(256) 543-0499

The consequences from a serious burn injury may last a lifetime.

Burn injuries often leave both physical and psychological scars.

How Can We Help?


*Contacting us does not form an attorney/client relationship. We are not your attorneys until we sign a written contract.